About Us

If you have the will, let us show you the way
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Conquer the Dragon emphasizes a service based on an innovative and an individual approach to Education and Wellness for youth with special needs.

Being a youth in our society can be challenging. The standard education system is not always adapted to the needs of youth with learning challenges. Failure to succeed at school can create avoidance mechanisms, which will translate sooner or later into self depreciation, inevitably leading students to question their abilities to function in the world.

When there is no equilibrium in the school or the family environment, children most often express intellectual, psychological and emotional issues that can trigger insomnia, anxiety, aggressiveness, lack of concentration, and low self esteem. Some of these symptoms may also lead with time to learning difficulties, and poor social skills, eating disorders, chronic illness.


 Alternative and integrative methods such as Martial arts, Qi gong, Meditation, massage, theatrical performance, used as movement therapy can be a great educational and motivational tool to help them dealing with personal challenges. Through a regular practice, introverted youth can regain confidence and self esteem, while more aggressive ones can learn how to control their negative reactions towards learning and others students.

Also, this program emphasis on the studying of Life skills, to give youth the abilities and behaviors that help them deal effectively with the events and challenges of everyday life. They are the skills that allow them to handle everything from interactions with others to identifying and processing their emotions.

Evidence of the effectiveness of movement therapy in producing afective , cognitive and behavioral benefits to reduce emotional instability, anxiety and depression, has been identified in many studies. (Contemporary psychology: MA and mental health- 2010. Julius Macarie and Ron Roberts)


 This program called “Conquer the dragon” ( to conquer yourself) has been designed to help youth with learning, behavioral, cognitive issues, resulting from learning difficulties, and social maladjustment, such as bullying, anti authority, resistance to rules, and impulsiveness. The interaction between the activities contributes to maintaining a delicate but powerful balance in the body and the mind.  The activities proposed are connected to each other. Used singly, they are not as effective as when they are combined.

  • Martial Arts: For self defense, mental and physical strength

  • Qi Gong and meditation:  For Body mind connection and energy circulation

  • Tactile therapy :  For stress reduction and relaxation

  • Essential life skills: The development of life skills helps students to find new ways of thinking and problem solving, recognize the impact of their actions and teaches them to take responsibility for what they do.

  • Theatrical performance: To develop creativity and emotional intelligence

How does the program work?

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1. The child is usually referred by a parent, a counselor, therapist, or a doctor. 

2. After an initial meeting, the child will be oriented to a specific program which may include Martial arts, Qi gong, meditation, Essential life skills, Qi gong massage.

4.  This  program has 9 levels. White Dragon- Yellow Dragon- Orange Dragon- Green Dragon- Blue Dragon- Brown Dragon 1-2-3- Black Dragon

  • Each level has 10 one hour semi private or private classes, and it is awarded by a certification of completion . Instruction, Hands out, Equipment- and Certificate of completion, are included. In order to complete the program, each student must go through the 9 levels. Each level has 10 hours of instruction, and it is customized to the student specific needs. Each student will be tested at the end of each level. With consistency and commitment, it takes approximately 3 to 4 years to finish the program.

5.   We will work in collaboration with the child’s parents, teacher, school counselor, psychologist, doctor, in order to keep him / her informed of the student’s progression during the duration of the program.

6. The program is adapted, geared and customized to the child’s special considerations , such as: Learning disabilities- Depression - anxiety Autism- Dyslexia- OCD- ADD…

7. There are no try out session , and we ask for a commitment of 10 sessions(One level)minimum for better results.

8. It is recommended, but not mandatory to complete the entire curriculum . On average most students will at least complete the Orange Dragon level, to give them the fundamentals and the basics.

9. Most importantly, we deliver our services onsite , in the schools gymnasium or sport facilities, such as community centers or private studios.